Department of Combat and Special Vehicles


Within the scope of the department, several scientific and research projects have been solved. There are particularly influenced by the current needs of MoD, the Czech Army, EU and NATO. They refer to the projects of defence acquisitions as well as the modernizing projects within armed forces. Throughout several years, significant cooperation has been continuing with many scientific, research and industrial subjects such as the University of Technology in Brno, the Czech Technical University in Prague, Mendel University in Brno, the Technical University of Liberec, UJP Pardubice, the Technical University of Ostrava, military garrison 025 Nový Jičín, military garrison 026 Šternberk, Institute of Nuclear Research in Řež, ZVI Vsetín (Inc.), Škoda Plzeň, Velvana (Inc.), etc. The research is oriented in the field of combat and special vehicle construction; it deals with the problematic of vehicle motion modelling, vehicle development trends, structural design and vehicle modernization, vehicle pass ability and vetronics, safety, diagnostics, organisation of repairs and spare parts supply.